
Descriptive Essay On Softball

Decent Essays

The Softball Countdown This is the big game. The two best teams playing against each other. The Whitecaps V.S the Emeralds. I felt like it was the first day of school all over again. Only, it’s not, I’m not at school. Maybe softball school, is that even a thing? Anyways, when I see Maria she makes me smile. “Hey want to warm up?” I question her. “Sure let me grab my mitt be right back.” “Okay.” I tell her approvingly. I took a deep breath and walked over to our warm up spot by the fence. I notice different team having a different game on the field we are going to use for ours. I took a deep breath again when I see Maria walking my way with her mitt. Why do I take so many deep breaths, because I’m mainly one of the worst batters, runners, pitchers, throwers, catchers, basically the worst player on the team, because this is my first year without a pitching machine, long story. After me and Maria throw a few balls to each other the time comes to go into the dugout. I walk into the dugout with Maria to place my bag down and head onto the field with my mitt to practice with the whole team. It took the other team more than five minutes before they finally got their first batter on the field. Me and Maria are the only two outfielders, due to the lack of players. So instead of two people sitting out for that inning because we have so many players, everyone was on the field, and if a bird looked at as while flying it would probably look like this. Lucky we had enough people for the

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