
Desdemona Is To Blame In Shakespeare's Othello

Decent Essays

The Tragedy of Othello the Moor of Venice

The title of this play reflects its inside. Tragedy was a major component of Shakespeare’s play “Othello”. One of the most tragic events is the death of innocent Desdemona. Many will say that Othello is responsible for her death, because he carried out the murder. But in my point of view, the death of Desdemona lies in the hands of evil Iago. He did not necessarily kill her with his own hands, however he did everything possible for this murder to happen. Desdemona was a crucial part in Iago’s revenge from Othello. He was aware of the love that existed between Desdemona and the Moor. That love that held them together as one. Iago knew that harming Desdemona will eventually harm Othello. Therefore, he managed to ruin Desdemona’s reputation, by informing her father about their secret wedding. “You’ll have your daughter covered with a Barbary horse; you’ll have your …show more content…

In the play, he uses his astute strategic acts of manipulation to obtain everything he wants not matter who is unfairly involved. He stained the name of Desdemona with his seek of revenge. Thanks to Iago, Desdemona was seen as an unfaithful woman by her beloved husband. He manipulated Othello to make him believe that Desdemona had an affair with Cassio (Othello’s lieutenant), by making up Cassio’s “dream” in which he supposedly declared his love for Desdemona. “There are kind of men so loose of souls that in their sleeps will mutter their affairs. One of this kind is Cassio. In sleep I heard him say “Sweet Desdemona, let us be wary, let us hide our loves!”...” (III.iii.416-420”). Iago, also encouraged her murder by suggesting Othello ways to kill her as an act of “loyalty”. “Do it not with poison. Strangle her in her bed, even the bed she hath contaminated.” (IV.i.203-204). Despite of Othello’s effort to ignore Iago’s manipulative actions, he ultimately fall in his lies, killing Desdemona as a

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