
Desdemona Is To Blame In Shakespeare's Othello

Satisfactory Essays

Othello is a black general in the Venetian army that secretly married Desdemona the daughter of Senator Brabantio. Soon Othello hired the jealous Iago, who was bent on revenge because he thought Othello had an affair with his wife and he promoted lieutenant Cassio over him. Iago had an evil plan to make Othello think his wife had been cheating on him with Cassio. First Iago planned a street fight, which was wrongfully blamed on Cassio and he was dismissed as planned. Desdemona defended Cassio’s case against Othello which created suspicion that his wife did cheat. Next Iago told his wife to steal the handkerchief that Othello gave to Desdemona. Iago’s wife Emilia got the handkerchief and gave it to Iago not knowing his intentions.Then Iago said

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