
Determinism And Its Effects On Life Paths

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In this world our race, location, family, and social class are already predetermined. We do not get to choose the position we are born into. Since we live in a world where most of our choices are made for us, some of us are luckier than others. Some people are born to better circumstances in life paths because of luckier predestined factors and qualities afforded to them. Because of the status in which we are born into, the journey we set ourselves on in life is a preconceived path that can be very cumbersome to deviate from. The path may be hard to digress from, but it is still possible for humans to determine their own outcomes and life paths, because we have free will and free will allows us to do this. Determinism is the belief that our lives are already decided and set in motion, and that we can change our actions but are unable to change our destiny that is already set forth. However, free will is the ability to make our own decisions and set our own paths in life. Similar to the belief that we decide how we end up and what we do in life, some Christians believe God gives us free will but he also has our ending fate already set in stone. This perspective definitely conveys contradictions, because it states that we as people have control over something that is already out of our control. As a spiritual individual, compared to that of being religious, I believe we as people are put onto a set path based on social constructions that are created by society.

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