
Developmental Theory Of Jean Piaget's Cognitive Development

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April Livingston Developmental Theory of Jean Piaget Cisco College Jean Piaget was a psychologist who studied the cognitive development of children and explains his theory into four different stages reflecting their thought process. The sensorimotor is the first stage of cognitive development and the age group begins at birth and goes to the age of two. The second stage of cognitive development is known as the preoperational stage which is the age group two to seven years old. This stage is divided into two different stages, preconceptual stage and intuitive thought stage. The preconceptual stage is from two to four years of age and the intuitive is from four to seven years of age. Children begin to engage in symbolic play throughout this age group. Symbolic play is when a child/children play with an object such as a box that is empty and pretend that it is a fort. They use their imagination by creating an image that is not really there. Children love to role play by pretending to be a doctor, coach, or even pretend to be their parents. Children at this age are egocentric meaning that they only see something from their perspective. The intuitive stage is when a child adds logic to thinking. A distinctive characteristic for this stage is centering which is when a child focuses on a single characteristic of an object. An example is when a child has two glasses in front of him/her with one being wide and the other being tall. Both glasses have

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