
Dickinson’s Poetry Is Startling and Eccentric. Discuss.

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Dickinson’s poetry is startling and eccentric. Discuss.

Perhaps one of the aspects that draw us to the poetry of Dickinson is its eccentricity and startling nature. In her poetry, Emily Dickinson explores a number of different themes including death, hope, nature, pain and love. The trademark signs of a Dickinson poem are her hallmark dashes she uses. Her dashes suggest that there is more to the story than she is writing down. Another characteristic of Dickinson’s poetry is the capitalization of random words throughout her poems. This could suggest importance of the words that she is highlighting. A large number of Dickinson’s poetry revolves around the theme of death; both psychological and physical. She makes the reader question what …show more content…

‘’The eyes had wrung them dry, / And breathes were gathering sure’’. I was struck by the startling contrast created here when she compares the stillness in the room to ‘’the air/ Between the Heaves of Storms’’ The poem strikingly describes the mental distraction posed by irrelevant details at even the most crucial moments—even at the moment of death. The poem then becomes even more bizarre and more macabre by transforming the tiny, normally disregarded fly into the figure of death itself, as the fly’s wing cuts the speaker off from the light until she cannot “see to see.”

One of the most peculiar aspects of ‘‘I heard a Fly buzz—when I died—...” is the odd introduction of the fly into this environment. Again, the imagery plays a significant role. Flies can often be associated with death and decay and I think that is the message Dickinson was trying to convey by using the image of the fly in this particular poem. It is again linked to ‘I Felt a Funeral in my Brain’ to the psychological deterioration of Dickinson. Ironically, the buzz from the fly seems to be the only sign of life in the entire poem. The passage of death has an unsettling, disconnected tone but is not scary or painful. The poet introduces the idea that death isn’t our salvation; it is simply a state of nothingness. I found this disconcerting.

‘’A Certain Slant of Light’’ initially suggested harmony and tranquillity. Dickinson, however uses ‘’A certain slant of light’’ in an altogether

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