
Dif Spinoza Similarities

Decent Essays

Spinoza Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Spinoza How does obedience show similarities as well as differences between religion and politics? Chapter 2 Similarities Spinoza contends that obedience is the willingness and the tendency to do what is right and also acceptable to other people (Spinoza & Elwes, 2007). He further states that obedience to one’s elected leaders is equal to obeying God. God gives power to the leaders, and this means that they have exceptional leadership skills. A man is most free and obedient in genuine worship to God and in following the laws written by his prophets (Spinoza & Elwes, 2007). The man, however, disobeys God when he chooses to follow his selfish desires. Similarly, in a dominion republic, people must be willing to obey the will of the leaders and always do what is right. …show more content…

In this case, the people may choose a government in what he terms as dominion to form a commonwealth country. In this case, the elected leader ultimately assumes supremacy over the rest and they can make laws to govern their country. The leaders also have the power to enter into war, punish wrongdoers and interpret laws (Spinoza & Elwes, 2007). In this case, if a person can make decisions for the public, then he has power. Having fewer rights compared to the authoritative figure gives one less power, and they hence become subjects. Spinoza, however, notes that the absolute power comes from God and he gives individuals the ability to rule over their fellow citizens. He states that God’s power is given freely to humankind and so people should learn how to operate within the power and treat each other equally freely (Spinoza & Elwes, 2007). Human beings are however driven by personal needs and not by reason. In that case, Spinoza states that people have reduced power to use reason since they look at immediate gratification and not doing what is

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