
Difference Between Strike And Strike

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. Strikes Vs Lockouts

Just as employees have the right to strike action so too do employers have the right to lockout employees should an issue be unsettled. However, certain procedures as well as specific limitations apply under certain circumstances (“Basic guide to strikes, lockouts and picketing”, 2008). Secondary strike action and picketing are also used as means of addressing a dispute.

Equally, strikes and lockouts, involve the termination or the interruption of work in any work environment. However, the main difference between lockouts and strike action depends on which party initiates the interruption of work activities (“Difference between Strike and Lockout”, 2016). In a strike action, it is the employees who initiate the interruption of work. Though, in a lockout, it is the employers who initiate the interruption of work activities of the employees (“Difference between Strike and Lockout”, 2016).

So what is a strike?

Defined, a strike action is “a refusal to work, initiated by a group of employees as a method of protest, in an attempt to achieve an allowance or allowances from their employer.” (“Difference between Strike and Lockout”, 2016). …show more content…

(“Difference between Strike and Lockout”, 2016). Strikes may be specific to an employer, work environment or even a department within a work place, but on the same token, it might involve an entire trade or every employee of a country. For example, a strike in a textile factory may persuade all textile employees of a specific country to join the strike action; thus all textile workers may collectively ask for improved working conditions or higher salaries. A strike can affect the economy of the entire country. (“Difference between Strike and Lockout”,

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