
Difference Between Theological Fatalism And Free Will Essay

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In this paper, I will argue that it is almost impossible for someone to be free while all of his/her actions are predicted by a higher being in such a way that he/she does not have the choice of choosing between various courses of actions. In other words, I don’t think that the concept of a fore knowledgeable god and the concept of free will can be maintained together. First, I will broadly describe free will. Second, I will explain, through the argument of theological fatalist, why there might be a possibility, regardless of their opinion, have ever been free. Then, I will explain the dilemma that there is between theological fatalism and free will. In addition, the Frankfurt solution will be explained. Finally, critics of the Frankfurt solution will be mentioned and critiqued.
To begin with, free will is broadly defined as being able to choose between different courses of actions without being restrained by any physical or divine forces (“Free Will”, n.d.).
In addition, there is an argument called the theological fatalism argument that states that there is a perfect supreme being who predicts all human courses of actions (“Fore Knowledge and Free Will”, n.d.). From this argument, we might conclude that none of us have ever been free since all human acts were predicted in advance by a divine being. Thus, leaving us unfree of choosing between various possible courses of actions. Here are the basic premises of theological fatalism:
1) Yesterday God infallibly believed that a

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