
Differences And Similarities Between The Muslims And The Jews

Decent Essays

There are a lot of refugees are not being allowed into the U.S. The Muslins and the Jews are the people that were not let into the U.S. The Muslims and the Jews had many similarities. They also have many differences. Here are some of the differences and similarities for the Muslims and the Jews.
The Kashak's are a Muslin family that lives in the U.S. The Kashak's were asked if they want to move to the U.S. They were asked by the United Nation Officials and the family said yes. The Kashak's had to wait two years so they could be allowed to come to the United States. They came to the U.S. on a boat.
The St. Louis was a boat that was full with more than 900 Jewish people. The Jewish people on the boat payed for passports to come over here. The

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