
Differences And Similarities Between The Spanish And New England In 1492-1763

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The New World was a land full of choices for the settlers that discovered it to make. Despite the fact that the Spanish and English people came into the New World at different time frames, both countries had goals to achieve. The English wanted to establish settlements for a growing future nation, and the Spanish wanted gold and success in expansion as well. The Spanish and New England colonies in the New World in 1492-1763 had both differences and similarities in government, religion, and the treatment of indigenous people. The Spanish government within the colonies elected governors to run and report back what was happening within the facilities as a part of the viceroyalty system. The Pope lead and was the higher-up of people such as archbishops, …show more content…

He immediately took the Arawaks as servants and ended up taking around 500 back to Spain with him but only 300 survived the trip due to abusive servantry. On his second expedition he encountered the Taino people who he quickly began enslaving to use for gold mining and agricultural purposes. The Spanish treated indigenous people as part of their own after forced labor and conversion to catholicism.Numerous spaniards even reproduced with natives, resulting in Mestizos. The English took an entirely different approach with the natives, keeping the natives very separated from their colonies and people. While the English still forced the natives surrounding the colonists to convert to Christianity, even after conversion the natives would be put into Praying Towns, still separated from colonists. Praying Towns were the homes converted Indians were housed in where all native customs had to be given up, and natives had to begin farming like colonists. Indigenous people were not looked at as part of the English colonization process even after conversion, but rather as a roadblock to colonists getting the land and resources that were so heavily wanted. The Spanish and English colonies were similar in treatment of indigenous people in the fact that both took advantage of the people when natives were first discovered, and forced conversion to Christianity upon the Indians. The Spanish used Indians as slaves and the English used natives to learn the land and then took over and kicked their people out of it. The nation's handled indigenous people differently because the Spanish took in the natives after a conversion process and started accepting their people into the culture, while the English forced natives out, taking their land in the process and making natives remove all aspects of their culture with nothing to gain from doing

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