
Differences Between Early China And Qing Dynasty

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Early China and the Qing Dynasty are not too different from each other. Which is surprising, considering they Early China is at the beginning of recorded history for China and the Qing Dynasty is the last dynasty to rule. Although, gender equality can be considered the same for both societies, they are actually different since the Qing Dynasty started to change during the end of its reign. Both Early China and the Qing Dynasty went through major changes in history. Early China is the beginning of the dynasties, as we know it, so a bunch of new items and product were founded during this period. The Qing Dynasty changed the education for women in China and also helped change the way people treated women. Early China and the Qing Dynasty are far apart, in terms of years, and were so similar yet so different at the same time. …show more content…

They could learn to read, write, do math and farm work. Women, on the other hand, were looked down upon. They were only taught housework like: Sewing, cooking, taking care of the children, and obeying the man of the house. Whether it be the dad, husband, or son, the women always had to obey the man in charge. The belief that a women always obeyed the man, and the man being superior to women, lasted until the end of the last dynasty.
The Qing Dynasty was not too different from Early China. They did not like the modern ideas and tried to stay away from them. The boys were still the only ones getting an education and women were still looked down upon. The Qing Dynasty was closed off, they only taught their boys ancient texts and religions. None of the modern ideas or ways of thinking were around during that period. .It wasn't until 1911 that people started to think in a modern way. Missionaries wanted/created schools for girls and tried to be like other countries. The Qing empire apposed this, however, which lead to the downfall of the

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