
Differences Between New England And The Spanish Colonies

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New England Colonies vs Spanish Colonies In a time when the native population was slowly decreasing and the number of colonies was rising, the New England and the Spanish colonies were born. At that time, everything was constantly changing. Slavery was used in some colonies- the encomienda system was used in others, the economy of the two groups of colonies were completely different, and even what the colonists believed religiously was completely different based on location and biases. Between the New England colonies and the Spanish, there were many significant differences and similarities. In this context, between the years of 1492 and 1700, the New England colonies were extremely similar and different to the Spanish colonies in three aspects- the role of religion of their everyday life, the treatment of the indigenous people, and the amount of control the European government had on the colonies. The role of religion in the colonies of New England and the Spanish were incredibly different. Both the Spanish that fled and the New England colonists that fled from England fled from the church, but the English that fled wanted to change the Church completely and the Spaniards were fleeing from the religious conflict between the Catholics and the Muslims. In the New England colonies, the colonists had Anglican beliefs. The colonists were split into mainly two groups, the Separatists and the Puritans. The Separatists wanted to split from the Roman Catholic Church (Anglican

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