
Differences Extroverts and Introverts Give for First Impressions

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First Impressions Through the years, many have been guided to investigate early evaluations of extroversion and introversion, recognized as core aspects of people's personalities (Bennington-Castro, J., 2013), and ask what effect these evaluations have on the person making them. Research has directly impacted the thoughts on these varying psychological traits: the extrovert – a person concerned more with external reality than inner feelings (Extrovert, 2014.); and the introvert – a person characterized by concern primarily with his or her own thoughts and feelings (Introvert, 2014). When interpreting the stories in reverse order as invited to do, the question became: Is John who the author purports him to be? Whether or not he is, as an …show more content…

John the Extrovert In the first text John is an extrovert, the author paints a picture of an outgoing, salesman-type individual that encouraged his audience by the charm he displayed. John’s main interest is anchored in social interaction, for that reason his actions may have included firm handshakes, holding his head high, and offering up warm smiles along with other nonverbal cues to provide verification of his enthusiasm and passion. John’s tendency is to make direct contact by his many social interactions, thus the city block was brighter, and acquaintances were developed. John the Introvert In this text John is an introvert, we were was being persuaded that John is reflective, focused, shy, and tends to be envious of those engaging in dynamic dialog. The author describes John as being at a different place and time with a different mental attitude (Carnegie, D., D., 1981). John is pictured as a non-collaborative employee, which gets his energy by isolation and not that of being in social settings. This second impression leaves us to surmise this was John before his gain in confidence, or that he was ill on this particular day. Relevance As both passages were read, the observations remain; that “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so,” said Shakespeare (Carnegie, D., D., 1981). An example of our behaviors being affected by a first impression can be explained by one’s own expectation becoming a self-fulfilling

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