
Differentiating Instruction through Assessments

Decent Essays

In reading and taking the different tests not only reinforced what I knew about myself but also helped me to see the importance of administering these kinds of tests to students. It helps to tailor lessons and activities to a student’s personal needs. Assessing the students’ educators can determine their strengths and weakness to better differentiate the instruction. In the words of Howard Gardner, "Being intelligent does not always mean that someone tests well". Now days when we have so many assessments to determine knowledge, comprehension and understanding of concepts, we do not always have the time to specifically think about how a student will learn concepts best.

In working with different peoples' styles and kinds of intelligence, I must sometimes stop and see how can I work best with them. By having a balanced curriculum, lesson plan, and activities in the classroom we can meet the needs of the students but also motivate them to learn. Of course it is not realistic to think that educators can have a plan for every single intelligence type in their classroom, but by focusing on the strengths of each student teachers can have an avenue of learning every student.

Activities such as collaborative groups and literature circles can help students with Interpersonal and linguistic intelligence work together and use their strengths in the process. These types of activities only encourage cooperation and collaboration, but also they give the students an opportunity to use

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