
Disadvantages Of A Broadway Strike

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Any negotiator considering items to included in contract cannot afford to overlook the impact of the united states entertainment industry throughout the world" Wilson, J. (1991). Artist often need to deal with low compensation compared to the one, who have been with the industry for a long time, hence, it was quite essential to have a couple of union for providing a fair value for the artists. The strike is often considered as a last remedy to provide benefits for the labors and workers. It would be disadvantage for both producers and the artists, as we have seen writers guide of America organized the longest strike, which cost the industry so much money. It is always considered to negotiate face-to-face with the concerned person to provide a fair value, which the union is demanding, Labor staged a Broadway strike harsh working conditions. It would take lawsuits strikes, and hardliner negotiations for Hollywood artists to receive more rights. This often required artists to take risks, such as suspensions or firing in the hope of better treatment (O.C.,Ferrell, G.A. Hirt, & L. Ferrell, 2014).

.Striking carries out normal operations of business at it's best and impossible at its worse. Strike can cause low wages and poor condition' (O.C.,Ferrell, G.A. Hirt, & L. Ferrell, 2014). So many problem can arrive because of a strike,. When striking it may involve law suits which is a cumbersome process and it greatly and dearly impacts the entire industry and losses can be in

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