
Police Discretion Essay

Decent Essays

The topic of discretion in police work has been extremely enlightening for me. I never fully grasped the depth in which officers have to make such serious decisions in such intense and alarming situations. I believe from our chapter and from the lecture that Police do have a considerably fair amount of discretion that they get to exercise. But I do understand that it is an incredibly subjective topic. There are so many different situations that call for different reactions. While I do believe that force, weapons and those kinds of tactics need to be used only when warranted, I also believe that the officer should have the power to protect themselves and those around them in dangerous situations. I don't think that most people understand the hard work and diligence it takes to understand what to do and how to react in every situation that officers have to face. The ability to have the strength and intelligence to use discretion in a positive and ethical way, takes a lot of emotional intelligence, quickness and good judgment. …show more content…

The first being that the use of police discretion creates the opportunity for fewer arrests. This is a crime prevention technique in itself. With less prisoners, jails and arrests, that creates the opportunity for community building and an alternative to incarceration. When the officer has a chance to understand the situation they have encountered, they can decide what is ethical and what should be done. They can also make decisions like choosing to give warnings instead of citations and tickets. Police officers should absolutely be given their amount of discretion in making decisions for all of the situations they encounter on a daily basis. But with the changing of laws so frequently and with the times we live in, I feel that may change or that this issue will be a topic of debate in discussion for some

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