
Discrimination In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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There is discrimination everywhere. It's here because of disabilities, race and gender. The novel Of Mice and Men is an example of all of that. Even though it might be going down, it will never be completely gone. People are always judged about their looks and gender which they can't control.
There are many characters in this novel that are discriminated. The first person that was first brought up in this book who had a disability was Lennie. In the book it says, ¨He can't think of nothing do himself but he sure can't take orders.” Lennie has a mental disability that does not allow him to think clearly. “George scowled at him and Lennie dropped his head in shame at having forgotten.” Whoever comes across him thinks he is very dumb and uneducated. Whenever the other characters go somewhere, they don't invite Lennie because they think that he will wander around and they would have to baby him. They think he is going to mess everything up if he does one thing wrong. George also tells him not to touch anything that will land him in prison, like touch Curley’s wife. …show more content…

In chapter five, the readers learned that she wanted to become an actress but her parents didn't allow her to. She is also discriminated by her gender, and she is the only woman talked about in the whole entire book. Swamper also said,” I think Curley's married a tart.” Lennie glared at her,”George says I ain't to have nothing to do with you---- talk to you or nothing. She laughed, “George giving you orders on everything.” All of the men in the novel act like she is a puppet or a lady who just stands there and doesn’t say much. George also says some nasty things. George said,” She’s gonna make a mess. They’s gonna be a bad mess about her. She’s a jail bait all set on the trigger. That curley got his work cut out for him. Ranch with a bunch of guys on it ain’t no place for a girl, ‘specially like

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