
Discuss The Role Of The Economy In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Maycomb was a “tired old town...there was no hurry, for there was nowhere to go, nothing to buy and no money to buy it with, nothing to see...”To Kill a Mockingbird is in the 1930s in Maycomb,Alabama. There were no phones, TV, or the internet, there were some major social and economic differences. Maycomb County, is in a state of economic decline. Communication with houses relied on dirt roads, and all the county people, whether professional people or farmers.

In late 1929 the economic prosperity of the 1920s came to a screeching halt with the Wall Street Crash followed by the Great Depression. The economic boom of the 1920s rested on a tiny foundation, there was such an unequal distribution of income between the rich and the poor that when events began to decline, there were not enough people to buy goods and services to keep the economy in a healthy state. Rural, southern towns in the United States were hit Greatly because they were largely reliant on agriculture. Problems with the economy had a flow-on …show more content…

Since they were in the Great Depression, no one owned much money, and without money people couldn't buy goods or food. When no one buys anything from businesses, the businesses lost money, subsequently they were forced to fire people to make up for their losses. Now even more people now did not have jobs and they couldn´t make money. So multiple people had to resort to farming to feed themselves and possibly make a little money off crops. Americans, subsequently were obliged to dig up plants that were in the farmers´ way of planting crops. At the time there just so happened to be an enormous drought and the crops that farmers planted won´t grow and they were left with just dirt on their land. Now everyone is broke and hungry with no way to make money or food. Since plants died from the drought, there was nothing holding the dirt in its

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