
Distracted Walking Persuasive Essay

Decent Essays

Distracted walking is becoming a huge problem to society. Many people are harmed or killed, and solutions in the past were not enough. The numbers are on the rise, and banning distracted walking entirely is the best solution. Walking while texting is not just annoying, it can be disastrous. A study shows that people who text and walk are four times more likely to jaywalk or not look both ways before crossing the street.(New York Times) This means that while increasing amounts of people are focusing on technology, more people will be getting into these dangerous situations. “Since 2010, injuries caused by cellphone distraction in the U.S. have risen by 23% according to the PewTrust’s Stateline,” (Fast Company). The numbers have been rising over the years, and injuries/fatalities by texting while walking are becoming more common. We need to stop this danger in our communities. …show more content…

Previous solutions were not enough, and pedestrian deaths stayed consistent. Rexburg, Idaho might have been one of the first to put a citywide ban on texting while walking, in 2011. None of the almost 35,000 residents have had a pedestrian fatality(death) since the ban was initiated. (New York Times) This would be just as effective if this was implemented worldwide. Many places have decided to add more paths and traffic-calming measures to make streets safer. (NSC) This, however, did not help, as there are still deaths happening. Ultimately, we need to take more steps in the direction of banning the distracted walking,instead of what we’ve been

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