
Diversity, Values, And Beliefs

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Melissa Rahorst CRIM 406 20170419 Attitudes, Values, and Beliefs Equal Opportunity Leaders Course (EOLC) is a course that focuses on giving soldiers a voice. EOLC teaches noncommissioned officers and officers to empower even the lowest ranking soldier to speak up if they are being discriminated against based on the six categories of discrimination. Throughout this course, I learned many valuable lessons, but the most important exercise we did was called the badge exercise. During this exercise, we wrote out three categories. The first category was “who I am” basic background information. The second category was “characteristics” what makes us unique individuals. Finally, the third section was values. I had an extremely hard time with …show more content…

My Values Now that we have a basic definition of attitudes, values, and beliefs lets dive into my top four core values. My first value is Integrity. Integrity is a virtue that encompasses the sum of a person’s set of values, their private moral code. A breach of any of these values will damage the integrity of the individual. (Turner 52) When faced with a moral dilemma, I find it very important to stick to my integrity. Given my position in the military I have a lot of opportunities to take the wrap for my soldiers, any day my soldier messes up I am just as responsible. I have to have integrity and always tell the truth or it could reflect poorly on myself, my soldiers, and my unit. Honestly, I think I developed this trait after joining the military. I was taught at a young age to always be truthful, but I never really understood integrity until I was given chances to lie in the military. I took one of those chances. I ended up not getting in trouble for it, but that was not the point. Lying and hurting people just to save face does not leave a great aftertaste. My second value is human dignity. The definition of Human Dignity according to is an individual or group 's sense of self-respect and self-worth, physical and psychological integrity, and empowerment. I am a military police corrections officer, a military police officer, and a civilian corrections officer. This value is a religious, professional, and a

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