
Divorce Within A Family Institution

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A social institution could be integrated of a variety of social norms brought together to practice a particular social value. The expectations of the different social institutions differ but they all try to persuade the behavior and expectations of individuals. Within some of the social institutions you can find a number of people that share common interests, and attitudes. Within a family institution you have a father, a mother, and a child or children that live within a same roof or can also be seen as the different sets of generations and ancestors found within this institution that has brought this particular group together. In this particular case this paper emphasizes on the concept of divorce within a Family Institution. The causes and effects of divorce, how this concept affects the family social institution and how it as well impacts and puts a big toll on society are the main ideas that will be discussed in this paper. It is unfortunate how much the numbers of divorce have increased in a family social institution and how bad in can affect those involved as well as society. Most of the criteria that a family institution consists of that impacts the divorce rates can include the authority, resources, and work distribution among families, the way each individual in specific the mother manages to balance the demands of work and family, and most importantly how domestic violence, and/or single parenting are results of a divorce within this family institution. Many

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