
Do Vaccines Cause Autism

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Autism is a brain disorder that occurs in young children mainly from the age of two and which affects the child for the rest of his or her life. At birth, the child appears normal in all respects but as the child develops the parent starts to notice there is something abnormal with them. Some of the main symptoms of autism are inability of the child to speak at the right age, inability to form social connections, concentrating on certain activities and ignoring the others. Another major sign of an autistic child is they tend to do things in a repetitive pattern. For instance, they may be found arranging their toys in certain repetitive pattern. Which leads to the debate whether vaccines can cause autism in their child. This debate has caused a movement among some parents to not vaccinate their children. This ongoing movement has health officials worried about certain diseases coming back. Although there are various cases associating certain vaccines with autism, there are studies that have shown that vaccines do not cause autism. …show more content…

The article alleged the vaccination against measles, mumps and rubella could be the cause of autism. However, it was later established that Wakefield had manipulated the research to come up with a wrong conclusion. Consequently, his medical license was annulled in 2010. After Wakefield’s article, extensive research was carried out by medical researchers all over the world. None of them was able to even come close to the same findings as Wakefield. When the news of the alleged connection between vaccines and autism, many parents took them seriously and would not allow their children to be vaccinated. Which led to many children who were never vaccinated ended up ill and some even

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