
Do You Like Crimes In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

Satisfactory Essays

Do you like crimes? Well in the book mice and men one of the main characters get shot in the back of the head by his partner george the other main character in the story. Read this essay to find out more. The title of this book is mice of men by john steinbeck. At the very end of the book lennie ends up killing one of their friends wifes. He makes a run for it but george wants to put him out of his misery. George and lennie travel together and george told lennie to come to a certain spot if he ever gets in trouble at this ranch they got a job at. Lennie ends up someone's wife. George goes to the spot where he told him to go and shoots him when he gets there. I think it was right for george to put him out of his misery because he would of

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