
Dodge Ram Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Port City Dodge Chrysler Dealer: Buy or Lease? Dodge Ram for Sale Portsmouth NH: Buying Incentives A set of unspoken bonuses comes with the purchase of a new Dodge Ram Portsmouth NH. For one, you receive the rugged good looks of one of the nation’s leading trucks. Secondly, you get fantastic gas mileage for a truck, and third, you get best-in-class strength and toughness. We also offer monetary incentives for new vehicle purchases, though, including 0% APR. Keep up with our website or call the dealership to find out about current specials. We’re also happy to schedule you a test drive! Chrysler Incentives Portsmouth NH Maybe sleek looks and classic elegance aren’t incentive enough to get you into a new Chrysler 200 Portsmouth NH. If not, that’s ok---we regularly offer incentives on the purchase of new Chryslers including 0% APR and cash back offers. When you buy a new car at our Port City dealership, you get to enjoy a great deal, industry leading warranty, and the peace of mind that you are …show more content…

That sums up leasing, doesn’t it? Since you only have a vehicle for the first few years of its life anyways, your call will be under warranty whether it is damaged or not. Because it’s new, though, you probably won’t experience breakdowns or “old age problems.” Lease a Chrysler Portsmouth NH Lowers Your Tax Burden Leasing a Chrysler means that you won’t use the whole value of the car---you will only have it for a couple of years. Wouldn’t it make sense, then, that you shouldn’t have to pay tax on the whole value? When you lease, you only pay tax on the amount of value you use up on the car, and that is generally 2-3 year’s worth. In other words, you only get taxed on what you use. New Chrysler Vehicles Dover NH Come By the

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