
Does Music Therapy Really Help Children With Special Needs?

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Music Therapy Times are continuously changing around us. Everything is being updated so that it’s newer and better. This includes the way the medical field has updated their equipment and work ethics. With so many options in the medical field, therapy is just another part; however, just like everything else, this field may need an update. Every child is different and deserves to be treated in a way that is specialized just for them. With such diverse backgrounds, we need to stop using universal techniques and create more specified treatments. (McFerran 2) Many people have begun to turn towards music therapy as an option. However, many question if this method actually works for their children. Does music therapy really help children with special needs? 7.3% of children in the U.S. enrolled in school have a disability, according to the 2011 census. This was the highest percentage among all the U.S. states; however, this was only in metro areas. 8.3% of children in Vermont had a disability, and they lived outside metro areas. Kansas alone had 4.8% in metro areas and 5.4% outside of them. Who knows how these statistics may have changed since 2011. (Brault)
Music therapy stimulates all the sense and involves a child at many different levels. Music is highly motivating to a child, and also helps a child manage pain and stress in their lives. This is because music is also extremely relaxing and calming to children. Many people use this method for this reason. They also use music

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