
Does Sherlock Holmes Even Need Watson

Satisfactory Essays

One question: Does sherlock holmes even need Watson? My answer is yes, for protection, sanity, and on rare occasion to help with caces. Sherlock Holmes 100% needs watson for protection, and Sherlock knows this. He has all the qualifications, he was in the army AND was a army doctor. In the thend story on page 38 Sherlock tells watson that mr Windibank “could meet us here at” If Watson wasnt there Mr. Windibank could of easaly killed sherlock, but watsons mere presence scared him away. Plus Watson keeps Sherlock a little sane. In the same story (3) on page 38 Watson sees “he had spent his day in chemical work whitch was so dear to him.” Holmes loves drugs and drugs are chemicals and Watson is the only thing to keep him from

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