
Essay on Does the Government have the Right to" Play God"?

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Capital Punishment
Does the Government have the right to “play God”? While researching this topic, the information available against capital punishment is overwhelming. This alone does not reflect why my attitude and convictions on the subject has changed. The sanctity of life is priceless. It is my belief that only God has the authority to decide when our time on Earth should end. Ronald Carlson’s sister was murdered in 1983 in Texas. Before Carlson’s sister’s death, he said he did not oppose or stand for capital punishment. Carlson remembered feelings of extreme hatred for the murderer of his sister. Carlson stated “Watching the execution left me with horror and emptiness, confirming what I had already come to realize: …show more content…

Editor’s Note: “The terms “death penalty” and “capital punishment” are frequently used to mean the same thing. However, some people believe that a difference exits because “death penalty” refers to the penalty received and not necessarily its implementation while “capital punishment” refers to the execution itself.
( 20 May 2008.Web.28 Apr. 2014.)
Capital Punishment has been in existence as far back as biblical times. In fact, biblical views are what many may base their opinion of the death penalty on. The Old Testament in Exodus Chapter 21 verses 23-25 it reads: Vs. 23. And, if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life.
Vs.24. Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand and foot for foot.
Vs. 25. Burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe. In the Bible dictionary under Retaliation it states, “The Mosaic law aimed at making the punishment an appropriate equivalent to the offence committed. Wrong doing must not go unpunished.”(Bible. King James Version. Jun. 2004. Print.) An article from Pew Research noted the official positions on capital punishment by 16 major Religious Groups. Six major religions had no official standing publicized, three of the 16 were supportive of capital punishment and seven were against it. The seven who were against capital punishment emphasized the value and sanctity of life. (Pew Research.

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