
Dont Ask Dont Tell Outline Essay

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Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Policy
Rachael Neff
General purpose: To inform
Specific purpose: To inform my audience of the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy and give a brief history of events.
Central idea: According to my class survey the majority had little or no knowledge of the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy, so I am going to explain how it came to be.
I.Fundamental beliefs
A.Military Service Workers
B. Service Members Turned Away
1.Openly gay
2.Ended careers of over 11,000 service members
II.By listening to a brief history of the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy you will gain further knowledge of where we have come since the last 60 years

Transition: First, lets look at....
I.The Beginning …show more content…

C.Living quaters in our military service
1."Our service members wear the uniform to fight and win wars, not serve as liberal-social-policy guinea pigs," says Tony Perkins, president of the conservative Family Research Council. (Time Magazine Feb 2010.)
2.Washington Examiner Feb. 2010 states that the military requires its members to live with all sorts of people in close quarters and demanding conditions. A lot of recruits would be more leery of bunking next to an ex-con than a homosexual, but the military admits hundreds of felons each year, including some violent ones.
D.Estimated Costs of the Policy
1.USA Today Feb 2006 stated that the Government Accountability Office released estimates on the cost of the policy.
2.The GAO reported at least $95.4 million in recruiting costs and at least $95.1 million for training replacements for the 9,488 troops discharged from 1994 through 2003, while noting that the true figures might be higher.

III. Lastly, let’s look at...
A. Legal issues
1.Homosexuals should be able to freely express their feelings and the policy infringes their constitutional right under the first amendment.
2.Infringes 5th amendment right of due process of being kicked out of the military due to your sexual orientation without a fair trial.

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