
Doodle Brother In The Scarlet Of Ibis By James Hurst

Satisfactory Essays

In the short story "the scarlet of ibis" by James Hurst the theme is reveled through the situation about doodle and his brother. Doodle was a boy who was born with disabilities which meant he could not walk and that maybe a few days later after he was born he would die because his heart was not strong enough. later Doodle brother was a boy who loved his brother but showed it in a bad way. Instead of taking care of his brother doodle brother was mean to him. In the story "The scarlet of ibis" doodle brother teaches doodle how to walk pride took over him.He taught him how to walk because he was embarrassed of having a crippled brother. Which meant doodle brother only did it for pride of not having a crippled brother.In the story the

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