
Doodle's Spirit In The Scarlet Ibis By James Hurst

Satisfactory Essays

In James Hurst’s writing of The Scarlet Ibis, he uses the scarlet ibis to represent doodle’s spirit throughout the story; James puts emphasis on this symbol by using the birds species as the title. Doodle’s father believes the bird “looks tired... Or maybe sick” when the family is looking at the scarlet ibis (Hurst 5) .Doodle doesn’t sleep well at night, and sometimes looks feverish. In this instance, both the scarlet ibis and doodle are ill and tired. The scarlet ibis attempted to fly, but its “wings were [too] uncoordinated…[and the bird] tumbled down [from the tree]… with a thud” (Hurst 5). Doodle has to crawl, or be pulled in his cart to get from place to place. Both doodle, and the bird are not able to transport themselves successfully.

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