
Dormant Commerce Clause Essay

Decent Essays

Can you briefly explain what the dormant commerce clause is?
The negative commerce clause, also known as the dormant commerce clause is a doctrine established by the U.S. Supreme Court, limiting individual states of the United States from passing legislation that inappropriately discriminates against interstate commerce. The dormant commerce clause limits the power of individual states to legislate on such matters and is not an express clause in the U.S. Constitution (AMAR, K. 2007).
Why would dormant commerce clause apply to business?
The Dormant Commerce Clause is the belief that local and state laws are undemocratic if the state places an unwarranted encumbrance on local commerce, moreover, even if Congress has not acted on behalf of its commerce power it lies dormant (Chemerinsky, E., n.d.). An example would be, in the case of C & A Carbone, Inc. v. Town of Clarkstown, where the Court overturned an apparently alleged town law that required all solid-waste be treated at a privately …show more content…

However, this embargo in contrast to out-of-state discrimination does not prevent a state from exercising its police power to protect state citizens, as long as the power is exercised evenly and equally. For example, if a state wanted to weigh commercial vehicles on its highways to ensure they did not exceed maximum weight, that feat would be permissible if the trucks came from out of state, as long as the requirement applied equally to all trucks on that state’s highways ("The Commerce, Taxing, and Spending Clauses,"

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