
Dostoevsky 's Crime And Punishment

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Works in Translation: The Manifestation of Deadly Sin and its Physical Damages in Crime and Punishment Christianity defines deadly sins as those which, when unrepented, cause the eternal damnation of the soul. This idea is a truth to any devout Christian, including Fyodor Dostoevsky. Additionally, in his novel Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky argues that mortal sins condemn not only the soul, but also the physical body. He uses the mortal sins of pride, lust, and sloth in Katerina, Svidrigailov, and Sonia, respectively, to inform his audience of the physical nature of deadly sin. In Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky uses minor characters as manifestations of deadly sin to show that sinners forsake their own lives and that religion is an …show more content…

Furthermore, at her deathbed, Raskolnikov wonders “And how did the ‘certificate of merit’ come to be on the bed beside Katerina Ivanovna” (431). Dostoevsky confirms that Katerina embodies pride and that pride is the cause of her death by having the source of her sin laid down next to her. This placement of her pride symbolizes that her sin haunts her even to her deathbed. Moreover, Dostoevsky implies that as Katerina carries her pride with her everywhere, the “certificate of merit” will follow as well. Yet, Dostoevsky reveals that it is sin coupled with rejection of God that leads to damnation of the physical body. Specifically, Dostoevsky creates Katerina as to have so much pride that she sees herself above even God. As she is dying, Katerina says “God must forgive me” and “if He won’t forgive me, I don’t care!” (430). Katerina is so prideful that she believes God owes her, saying “must forgive me”. Moreover, Dostoevsky characterizes her further as a pagan by emphasizing “I don’t care!” with the exclamation mark. Ultimately, Dostoevsky uses Katerina’s disregard for God coupled with her sin to show how sinners forsake their own lives. Svidrigailov, as the manifestation of lust, is the greatest example of sinners causing their own death. Dostoevsky reveals that Svidrigailov is the manifestation of lust early on when

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