
Doubting Thomas Research Paper

Decent Essays

Doubting Thomas. So, the other day in church, our deacon retold the parable of Doubting Thomas – who is often portrayed as a sort of Judas/Peter/bad guy when it comes to the story of good ole Jesus. But, he took a different slant to it – that doubting Thomas was actually the one disciple that was actually out in the community after Jesus’s crucifixion – he was the disciple that was still doing outreach work. All the others were hiding behind “locked” doors, afraid for what their involvement in this Jesus thing might mean for them. (It wasn’t until Jesus gave them certainty that “he was alive” did they unlock the doors and venture forth.) Thomas on the other hand, was out doing the ministry; when he came back he didn’t believe in this “resurrection” because he was dealing with outsiders – open to outside complaint, …show more content…

Because he doubted, he in fact was doing the work for Jesus first hand. In turn, a person must adopt a level of doubt, welcome it as a matter of fact, in order to try new things, to get the job done, to minister to others -- because certainty adds futility and fear. Doubt that Jesus would return to DO THE JOB, allowed Thomas to hit the streets and DO UNTO IT HIMSELF. To a lesser degree, the same value of doubt can be illustrated personally. When I was 14, the summer before my Freshman year, my parents (Well, mostly my MOM) made me take a speech class at the high school; she said it would help me in my high school classes. Let’s get this straight: I hated, NO, I HATED giving any sort of IN FRONT OF THE CLASS presentation as a kid. The class was HELL – or at least was HELL for a 14 year old boy who wanted to stay home when he had a pimple on his face. I doubted I would ever be able to get in front of a class without stammering and sweating, without looking like a fool. Because I had doubts, I followed the tips the teacher gave, about looking past the classroom faces, about having notes in front of me, about practicing in front of the mirror

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