
Down Goes Hurston Essays

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Down Goes Hurston The Harlem Renaissance of the 1920’s is a great time for black artists; it is a rebirth of art, music, books and poetry. In Zora Neale Hurston’s novel Their Eyes Were Watching God Janie, the protagonist, is treated kindly for a black women. She does not go through the torment of black culture during that era or the previous eras. Throughout the book Hurston "fibs" about racial oppression. Janie gets respect by the white people she encounters. Hurston makes the reader imagine that African-American life is easygoing. Richard Write’s critique of Their Eyes Were Watching God is accurate and therefore, the book should not be included in the Harlem Renaissance. Hurston breaks several of the themes of the …show more content…

For the duration of the book Hurston does not write to protest racial oppression. This breaks yet another theme of Harlem Renaissance writing. She discusses black life as if it were the same as white life. She neglects to mention any information to protest racial oppression. Hurston does this by writing a melodious novel; it is very appealing to the reader. ‘"What she doin’ coming back here in dem overhalls? Can’t she find no dress to put on? -Where’s dat blue satin dress she left here in?"’(2). In this passage Hurston appeals to the reader. She is trying to use pleasant vernacular while getting her point across. No where does Hurston attempt to state any opposition to racial oppression. Again, she is making the book sound like black culture is effortless and simple. ‘"Tea Cake, Ah ‘clare Ah don’t know whut tuh make outa you. You’se so crazy. You better lemme fix you some breakfast"’(102). This sounds exactly like a normal white person conversation. Most blacks of that era could only dream about the getting breakfast in morning. In tradition most blacks would wake up on cold hard earth and go straight to work, and yet Hurston disregards to state reality. Even though the book is fiction, it must obey the three themes of the Harlem Renaissance. Racial oppression includes lynching and Hurston does not express these racist actions. In the course of the novel Janie

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