
Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde Analysis

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Dr.Jekyll saw a dark empty neighborhood, but Mr.Hyde went in. In Robert Louis Stevenson mystery novelle Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde, he uses physical descriptions to reflect good and evil. For instance, Hyde has always been described with a dark alley down in Soho. Mr.Poole with his own eyes only saw Mr.Hyde in the night. Peculiarly he only went down to the laboratory. Mr.Utterson comes to talk about Hyde to Poole and he says that indeed “‘he mostly comes and goes by the laboratory”’ (Stevenson 16). Utterson also sees Hyde in Jekyll’s and decides to confront him and he stated that Jekyll would never talk about me. He also had no family to be traced and his own maid only saw him 2 times. Yet Jekyll represented the good will and charasim of a man.

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