
Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde Essay

Decent Essays

It has been many years since the publication of “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”. The book explains how everyone has a dark side to their personalities and how that dark side can consume you to become insane. Many believe that there is no such thing as dissociative personality disorder, but in fact, there is; “Approximately 1% of the general population has been diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder.” There have not been many cases of this disorder but the few that have been recorded are proof that one can have multiple personalities. Something historical that plays in motion with the story is that this was based off a real life person. An 18th century man named William Brody was a cabinetmaker and popular politician …show more content…

This event reflected a key part in the stories message; Stevenson did not publish the book until 1932 this case from the 18th century shows that many do in fact suffer from this D.I.D (Dissociative Identity Disorder). In today’s society, this disorder is known to be one of the more well-known mental disorders that people experience throughout the world. Although there is proof of this disorder, being a real thing there is still research being conducted to further understand the reason why one might get this disorder. Many other ways that issues in today’s society play around with the message of the book is that many of the crimes that occur one sees that a criminals mind set can easily change. Many criminals tend to commit a crime while being in a dissociative state because many believe that they will be able to get away with the crime but many are not that slick. : “47% of men and 35% of women reported engaging in criminal activity” (Farrell). Many people find this as an excuse but not all are lucky enough to pass a sentence by stating or acting as if the disorder is actually part of them. Stevenson meant for this book to send a chilling and suspenseful feeling in the readers, but behind this story there was a truth to

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