
Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde Essay

Decent Essays

Dr. Jekyell and Mr. Hyde represent how people hide their true selves from society. Written in 1886 during the Victorian period, it expresses the theme of realistic representation of life by expressing how people conceal themselves to refrain from being ostracized. Dr. Jekyell was a respected doctor known for his modesty and charitable work. To the community Dr. Jekyell was a very upstanding citizen. However, secretly he is the absolute opposite. He knows his secret behavior will not be accepted by his community and looked down upon by society. Knowing that if he conveys his inner being it will cause him problems Dr. Jekyell creates Mr. Hyde. He lives his life in the outside world as Dr. Jekyell but now he has found a way to embody …show more content…

Parents oftentimes teach their children certain aspects that could portray homosexuality need to be hidden that then persist into adulthood, causing them to conceal parts of who they are. Society often makes homosexual people feel as though their lifestyle is unacceptable and should be kept hidden from conscious awareness. After being told time and time again that they are unacceptable, they start to believe it. While all children must attend school, the 55% that identify with the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and Trans community feel unsafe at school. Another 16% have been physically assaulted; punched, kicked, or injured with a weapon, because of their sexual orientation. “I have lost confidence in myself…in the man's rich silence after the expense and strain of gaiety.” Dr. Jekyell losses confidence in himself because he believes he is not good enough as himself. After being forced to believe he is not valued because of how society has pressured people to conform into “normal” behavior. He realizes that the success and riches he has gained and Dr. Jekyell has been at the expense of his happiness. Is success at the expense of your happiness really success? Although he has gained so much he has lost just as much if not more. Just as Dr. Jekyell has lost so much of his self, trying to conform just how homosexuals loose themselves trying to portray heterosexuality. Mentally ill people

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