
Driving While Driving Research Paper

Decent Essays

The air blowing through my hair, I feel free as can be. The radio station blaring to music and I sing along to the songs. Sometimes, these are the best feelings I have. I can leave work or school having the most terrible day but when I step foot in my car alone, I feel at ease for those fifteen minutes. When I get behind the wheel of my little white car and sit in my all black interior buckle my seatbelt and start driving I feel as if I am driving away from reality and all my problems. I either have two reasons for driving one, to get from point A to point B two, to clear my mind and to relax. I drive around for the heck of it sometimes. I know I use up valuable gasoline which takes my hard working money, but to me that time I have driven around is all worth it in the end. My vehicle is not anything special, a little white dodge car, inside of it always dirty with my daughter’s toys, my backpack overflowing with papers and old sonic cups, but it still doesn’t bother me. When I drive alone, which is mostly during the day it gives me time to think and sometimes I believe I think way too much. I will go off my problems and think the worst in some situations and get angry or upset because there is nothing I can do. I feel as if I never have time for …show more content…

The back roads are peaceful to me because there is no traffic; it is just you, your car and a gravel road. Although, I do not have a big vehicle I still take my little white car on gravel roads, if I look to left there is nothing but fields and animals, look to my right and once again nothing but fields and animals occasionally someone will drive by or I will drive past a few houses. While driving I will have my music as loud as my ears can stand, looking out my windshield at the gorgeous horses just running so smooth, so beautiful or the grass swaying with the wind and it makes that drive relaxing, this is why I believe in a long

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