
Drone Strikes

Decent Essays

In our country we see aircrafts in the sky every day and rarely fear an attack from above, however, for people in Middle Eastern countries this is not the case. In countries such as Somalia and Yemen they live in constant fear of dying from a bomb being dropped from above. Usually, Americans see themselves as heroes and view Middle Eastern groups as terrorists for these Middle Eastern people though, Americans are the terrorists. This essay will research the United States use of drone strikes in Middle Eastern countries, using scholarly articles to portray what a drone is, the types of drones the US uses, a history of their use, the legality of strikes on foreign soil, and their overall use in the war on terror in order to persuade readers that …show more content…

Dylan Matthews, a reporter at The Washington Post, is a policy journalist who focuses on taxes, budgets, and other elements of US economic and fiscal policy; he has also written for The New Republic, Slate, and The American Prospect and has appeared as an on-air guest for news outlets such as MSNBC and C-SPAN. Matthews details that “the technical definition of a drone is an "unmanned aerial vehicle" (UAV) which is an aircraft without human pilots aboard. In the use we’ve commonly come to hear though, drone has come to refer to an “unmanned combat aerial vehicle” (UCAV), which are equipped with combat capabilities, most commonly the ability to launch missiles” (Matthews). UCAVs are vastly different from UAVs, the latter can be completely harmless while the former is a true weapon of war. A plain UAV can be bought at almost any department store now while a UCAV is exclusive to the CIA and approved branches of the …show more content…

Jack Serle is a data journalist on The Bureau of Investigative Journalism’s Covert Drone War team who joined the Bureau in 2012 and was part of the team that won the Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism in 2013 for their work on drones and the US covert war on terror. Serle reports that the first known CIA drone strike took place September 19, 2002 in Yemen that turned out to be only the first in a long, rapid fire line of strikes to come in Middle Eastern countries with suspected al-Qaeda activity. Since 2004 in Pakistan alone, there have been 419 drone strikes in which approximately 2,463-3,977 people have been killed and of these thousands only 725 have been positively identified (“Naming the Dead”). Additionally, Serle finds that since 2002 in Yemen there have been as many as 121 confirmed strikes which killed approximately 467-695 people, since 2007 in Somalia there have been as many as 19 strikes which killed approximately 25-108 people, and in Afghanistan there have been 32 strikes which killed approximately 332-486 people (“Drone wars”). No matter how you look at it, these numbers are an astounding markup in these short years and it’s quite a wonder that these strikes and deaths don’t get more news time. It seems that when it comes to something as shady and gray area as CIA drone strikes the phrase “if it bleeds,

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