
Drug Addiction Is A Huge Problem Essay

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Over the recent years, we have seen a sharp incline of drug-related overdose here in Flordia. Although we have heard about some new and still developing preventative approaches, treatments, legislations and the possibility of drug consumption facilities here in Florida addiction is still a huge problem. Especially with stronger drugs such as fentanyl being used to cut heroin or sold as heroin. Furthermore, there 's a need to address the underlying issues from addiction such as depression, A.D.H.D, and chronic pain. Ultimately addiction can happen to anyone; a person does not just wake up one day and decide to do drugs. Something happens to them whether its an accident and the person is prescribed prescription drugs for pain, peer pressure or many other ways it can happen to anyone. Which is there is a need for strengthening interventions with the aim of reducing deaths caused by drug overdose in Florida

Drug addiction rehabilitation centers are a huge money maker here in the United States. Sadly, when a user is trying to get clean, the doctors prescribe addicts other drugs to help them detox. However, how often do these addicts stay off drugs? Even worse, how many die from a drug overdose because all the treatment just doesn 't work? There is a need for strengthening interventions with the aim of reducing deaths caused by drug overdose in Florida. There is no doubt that news regarding the present nationwide heroin epidemic has gotten much attention. Furthermore,

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