
Drug Addiction Is A Serious Problem

Decent Essays

Drug addiction is a serious problem in today’s society. Drug addiction is a complex disease and once addicted, it is nearly impossible to quit. There are several ways to help manage drug addiction such as help-lines, support groups, and rehab. The most controversial treatment though, is methadone treatment. Methadone, ironically, is a drug used to treat drug addicts. Methadone has been used for approximately fifty years to treat morphine and heroine addicts. Methadone is a multi-billion-dollar industry and the amount of methadone distributed compared to the amount of personal treatment for addicts is alarming (4). Methadone is an addictive drug in itself, and does not treat the deeper personal issues of the addict, making it a poor policy for drug addicts. There are several reasons why methadone is a poor policy; methadone is such an addictive drug that it is often harder to go through withdraw from than the drugs that it treats, addicts overdose on methadone treatment, methadone treatment is a business and doesn’t focus on helping the addicts personally. These examples show the addictive traits, and consequences of methadone treatment, along with the business side of methadone where patients psychological and personal problems that lie deeper than their addiction are neglected.
Treating an addictive drug, such as heroin, with another addictive drug, such as methadone is unproductive. It is similar to treating someone’s sex addiction with chronic pornography. The problem

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