
Drug Research Proposal

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There are many different methods of dispersing and accumulating data from subject self-reports, but for the purpose of this research proposal we have elected to adopt a method used in relatively recent study published by the Journal of Drug Issues entitled: “Substance Use, Drug Treatment, and Crime: An Examination of Intra-Individual Variation in a Drug Court Population”.
In order to measure illegal opioid use and its effects on theft rates, we will follow the framework guidelines set forth by Gottfredson, Karley, and Bushway (2008). The study will contain the measures listed, (a) criminal activity listed by type of crime, (b) if criminal activity was directly motivated by the desire to acquire additional drugs, and (c) substance abuse …show more content…

If the same individual is interviewed again several months later while the subject is no longer attending rehabilitation or living on the street, the results may differ tremendously.
Incarceration can influence the accessibility of drugs and the opportunity for a user to commit crime. Interviewers will only track and assess subjects in halfway houses, psychiatric facilities, individuals who are homeless, and other known areas of abundant drug circulation (streets). For research clarity, we would like to note that interviewers will not be assessing subjects in jail or prison, as both locations inhibit a subjects’ ability to obtain and/or use illegal substances, as well as their opportunity to partake in criminal activity.

Criminal Activity Measures
Interviewers will ask subjects to look at a calendar and state whether or not they had committed a series of different crimes for the previous 12 months. Crimes listed are to include: break-in, theft, auto-theft, fraud, forgery, shoplifting, robbery, selling of drugs, and or prostitution. Subjects are asked to respond “yes” or “no” for each listed crime. Subjects are not asked to disclose number of times crime was committed, monetary amount of damages, and/or legal repercussions to better maintain anonymity of subjects and increase willingness to partake in the research study.
The crime variables listed in the interview (break-in,

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