
Drug Use And Its Effect On Society

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As a college student, I am constantly experiencing new things and expanding my knowledge. College is a time of self discovery and growth. Staying up all night on finals week with multiple heavily caffeinated drinks, holding someone’s hair back as they drunkenly puke in the toilet, and living in a room the size of a closet with a complete stranger are just some of the many thresholds of college. Drug use has become just another part of this crazy college experience from binge drinking to smoking pot to taking psychedelic drugs just to see what happens. This idea of being young and invincible is fueling kids to make decisions their parents would not be happy with. With movies and other forms of media glorifying drugs it isn’t surprising to see the youth following in their footsteps. College is not portrayed as a place of education but a place to get wasted and sleep around. In movies, you’ll hardly ever see students studying or going to class; you’ll see them going to parties, getting drunk, experimenting with drugs and having one night stands. You also are hardly ever expose to the negative side of this party culture. Drug overdoses and sexually transmitted diseases just don’t make this lifestyle seem all that appealing so why even show that side of the story. People begin to forget that falling in love with the coco, popping a molly, and sweating isn’t actually cool and can be life threatening. In my first year of college, I have had several run ins with drugs. I don’t

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