
Duane's Experience: A Fictional Narrative

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"I imagine every man this side of Vegas would love to try. You're not exactly unattractive, however I'm glad to hear you apparently have taste" Duane smiled as he shot her the compliment, and alluded to himself. The woman had approached him, and the conversation had quickly turned sexual; the undercurrent of their words left that in no doubt; but it was in a flirting and teasing manner, almost a competition as Duane saw it, and to be spoken to so boldly was something he was unsued to. The women back East had either been prudes or hussies, and hadn't dared reciprocate to his humour and wordplay with their own, or had just lacked the wit an intelligence to do so. No matter how good they were in the sack, he'd quickly become bored of them. …show more content…

Now get on over there, and show me what you can do." The lightness returned to his voice as she straightened her hair, and he stood for a moment to follow her movement across to the lonely corner of the bar, then entered the bathroom. Duke completed adjusting his clothes in front of the mirror, and whiled away a minute or two. When he returned to the bar, the crowd had thinned out; many of the men leaving after Karmen's performance, and those who remained talked amongst each other. So far as the thief could tell, no-one paid any particular attention to Karmen. Except for the drunk who sat across from her, whose mouth had dropped open, and eyes were unabashedly trained on her …show more content…

Then, the obvious person to be questioned or come under attention would be Karmen. So, instead, with his mind working as quickly as his nimble fingers, Duane slipped the majority of the cash from between the leather, and crumpled the remaining dollar bills, - ensuring the edges stuck out of the corners - to give the billfold the appearance of containing much more than it actually did, then clamped it shut, and tossed it under the mans seat, where it could quite easily have fallen from his pocket onto the floor. Hopefully he wouldn't even notice the majority of his money was missing, until the next

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