
Dystopian Future Research Paper

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Dystopian future, teaches life lessons not just violence Dystopian future novels and films are the new craze, however it is not all violence and war, but valuable life lessons for young adults. That’s right, The Maze Runner, Hunger Games, and Divergent, all have two things in common, they are young adult dystopian novels and film series, but they also help teach us important characteristics vital to contemporary society. Dystopian future allows young adults to learn a variety of life lessons through exploring, different qualities of a human being, namely courage, trust and persistence. Courage is an essential feature as it provides confidence, and is regarded as socially admirable personality trait, providing benefits personally, socially and …show more content…

This persistence shown by Thomas is key to his character, and it teaches young adults to never say never, giving them a sense of hope and determination. Furthermore, persistence is shown within the popular young adult novel and film, The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins. Katniss Everdeen, the main character, was forced to engage in a tournament against other children, which involved a fight to the death. Katniss displayed persistence throughout the trilogy, using her hatred of the game and the thought of her family to fuel her tenacity and determination. This drive helped her survive deadly encounters within the games, which helped her win. Often understated when considering the popularity of dystopian novels, is one widest regarded novels of the 20th century, 1984, by George Orwell. An extremely informative novel, giving people hope that things are not always as bad as they seem to be. Furthermore, it teaches us to be persistent, guiding readers to always stand up for what they feel is right, no matter how great a challenge it might be to do

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