
E. Housman's Poem, To An Athlete Dying Young

Decent Essays

Housman’s view of death contrasts from that of Thomas because Housman accepts that dying young can be something positive. In A.E. Housman’s poem, To an Athlete Dying Young, he writes, “Smart lad, to slip betimes away … ” Here, Housman is saying that the athlete who died was smart to do so. Glory is something that fades quickly, especially in running. People can achieve great things in athletics, and they will become a household name, until the next great athlete comes along and does something even greater. Housman is saying that by going out young, he is going out on top, and he cannot become another Mark Spitz, someone who’s former glory withered away into his dental practice. Another great point Housman makes is that, “Eyes the shady night

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