
Early Childhood Slavery Book Review

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Greg Childs’ “Secret and Spectral: Torture and Secrecy in the Archives of Slave Conspiracies” studies the cruelty and confidentiality of the documentations of plots, treasons, and black resistance movements in late eighteenth and early nineteenth century colonial Americas. Childs uses the example of Bahia, Brazil to expand on the topic. He talks about why both judges and African-descended subjects were determined to keep quiet during questionings. Childs finds that “African-descended subjects who were arrested kept secrets both to avoid capital punishment and to ensure that other participants of the movement could not be captured and interrogated. Judges were likely motivated to keep evidence of torture secret because career advancement …show more content…

There were many skeptics from both the North and South who did not believe that an escaped, uneducated slave could have written such a narrative, nor did they believe the detailed atrocities that were said to exist in the slave states. The freedoms that Douglass was fighting for were the same freedoms that the early American revolutionaries wanted for themselves. As Childs was saying about the slaves vs the law, in the Narrative, Douglass talks of the slave owners and their overseers as the law. Chapter 4 in the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass makes it clear that slaves live in continual terror and in an extrajudicial system. Douglass makes an argument here against the existence of two different legal and moral systems, one for whites and another for slaves. Again, Douglass illustrates that slave owners rule by example; the horrible punishment exacted on Demby was meant to be an example to others. Slaves are scared into subservience. The control of slaves requires complete physical, as well as mental,

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