
Early Classroom Observation

Decent Essays

During my observation, I noticed how the teacher had organized the classroom to inspire and motivate the students through learning. The room was arranged so that the children can easily transition from one area to the next, so they constantly engaged and interested. When they first entered the room, they automatically knew their routine, by placing their bags in the locker and then selected an area to initiate an activity. The areas are segregated into small sections, this allowed for different subject areas which were full of creativity and learning resources, which is an effective strategy for engaging children. (Danniels, & Pyke, 200?).
I noticed that majority of the students had challenging behaviors and intellectual needs, the room has accommodated for sensory items and interests. The department of education and training (DET, 2015), suggests children with disability, will need attention and care when it comes to learning. Implementing planning and preparation for the student, the teacher can personalize a variety of ways to enrich the learning experience.I was amazed to see how well she …show more content…

(Marsh, 2014). The teacher would ask open-ended questions when children are investigating; this is where I focused a great deal of attention because I wanted to understand what questions she would ask them. It fascinated me how she communicated with them, which encouraged the child to discover and learn on their own with support. She explained to me that we do not ask a them what they are playing with, instead, we should be asking them ‘what are they investigating?’one example would be to ask them, “where is the paper plane traveling to?”. Communicating like this has made me very aware of how I need to interact with them, it has improved the way I speak and

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