
Early Mesoamerican Societies

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(Chapter 4 – Takes place in Mesoamerica, now identified as Central America, and focuses on the people there, and the societies and rituals they practice.) Like the other early societies, the Early American Societies focused on hunting and gathering, however in 8000 B.C.E. the animals they hunted started to become extinct. It was until 7500 B.C.E. they were forced to adapt to a new life style where they gathered with and small game, also turning to agriculture. One of the most notable early societies in the Americas where the Olmecs, an agricultural based society that cultivated beans, chili peppers, avocados, squashes, gourds and eventually maize and tomatoes. The name Olmec means rubber people, which was the result of the rubber trees that flourished in the area they resided in. The Olmec’s agricultural practices had spread throughout Mesoamerica by 2000 B.C.E. Unlike in the east, the Mesoamerican societies only consumed turkey and “barkless” dogs, they did not have cattle, goat, sheep, or any of the other domesticated animals of the east. Also unlike the east, the local animals were not able to be domesticated and used for labor, so they practiced human labor for the fields and had no use for wheeled vehicles. The Olmecs developed Ceremonial Centers, that served as a permanent home to the elite, priest, and governors of the …show more content…

the Olmecs society had fallen and disappeared. It’s influence however still affected the remaining societies. The Mayans were one of the societies that took up after the fall of the Olmec. Unlike its predecessor Mayans expanded quickly among Mesoamerica building more than eighty ceremonial centers, as well as numerous smaller settlements. However, the Mayans were not as unified, due to their size, they had multiple gods that the ceremonial centers were dedicated too, and there would be internal warfare and the victors would capture the losing side and either use them for labor or sacrifice them to the

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